Darby's view on racial reparations

 Throughout the history of the United States, African Americans have never enjoyed the freedoms and luxuries that the average white person has. There is no question that racism is still a very prominent social issue in the United States today.  Despite the fact that this blatant racism has been around since the early 1600s, there still has not been adequate reparations to the black community. While there have been apologies, museums, and other "reparations" in the current time period; it does not make up for the 300+ years of slavery that they endured, and the lasting effects slavery has on African Americans today. Nearly every single black person in America still is a victim of unintentional, or intentional, microaggressions. 

Darby proposes an argument that does not focus on the particular past events of slavery/racism, and is more of a concept that concentrates on forward progression. To this aspect, I agree with Darby. There is a clear split between the urban black communities riddled with poverty, high crime, inadequate healthcare, and sub-standard housing, and the average white suburb. African Americans were essentially forced into this living standard due to slavery from the past, and it is indeed unfair. However, unless as a society we progress forward, we will never get close to equality and fair reparations. I believe that by electing diverse officials into office, there will be change in this nation. If you take an individual that has lived this exhausting life, they will know the best ways to impose change and create a better life for people in their situation. Focusing on self-improvement, there is a way to give African Americans the reparations that they deserve, and want, and to help create a more equal world.  


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    I like some of the comments that you had to say. I agree with lots of your viewpoints on reparations, I feel the best methods for reparations are electing diverse individuals into office. I feel reparations should be economic policies that we can implement into our economy can can be used to benefit African Americans. Rather than individual check payments that many politicians are proposing. Do you feel that is a practical solution?

    1. I 100% agree with that statement. While there is an aspect of money involved, handing out individual paychecks really will not change any racial inequalities in America. Implementing economic and social policies to better the African-American community, especially in areas of poverty, will hopefully help them rise up and accomplish more than what they could've before. Skin color does not matter at all, we all generally have the same abilities and skills. So it is time to help the community as a whole, rather than individuals.

  2. Hi Becca!

    I really like how you took this prompt and developed Darby's argument and took your own approach to it. I agree with your opinion in how it is important to give African Americans the reparations that they deserve. I agree with your point that it would be very impactful to elect diverse officials into office since they truly are the only ones that known what the best forms or reparations are and the best way to implement them. With the current elections and political drama that has been going on in the United States I am curious to know how you think this is going to impact the current racial injustices?

    1. That is a very good question Grace! I believe now that Biden has officially won the presidency, there will be changes brought to the U.S., especially in democratic states. Seeing as though our VP is the first black Vice President, she will hopefully know how to combat some of the racial injustices in America and bring change in places that need it.


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