Are we responsible to take care of our Earth for the future?

     In my opinion, and after reading Caney's article, it certainly is everyone's duty to protect the planet for future generations. It is evident that we are feeling the effects of previous generations' destructive tendencies towards the planet. From the Industrial Revolution, World Wars, and litter in the oceans, the Earth has shown severe effects through climate change. It can be inferred that many are upset with the ways humans have previously treated the planet, and now it is our duty to fix it and leave it better for future generations. When talking about climate change, I believe that it is the duty of everyone to better the future. We all contribute to pollution, whether we throw litter on the ground or buy a product that was produced in a factory that pollutes the air.

    So I disagree with the "polluter pays" principle explained in the article. Is there one institution/individual responsible to pay for the damage done? Yes, it is true that certain industries cause more damage than others, however those industries would not survive without the support of consumers. By buying products that damage the environment, we are all contributing to the climate change happening presently. The polluter pays principle is too specific to a certain group, because these groups would not exist without each other. For example in the article it states that four possible contributors are individuals, states, economic corporations, and international regimes or institutions. This furthers my reason that "we" is indeed we as a whole. Every person, company, and country has a responsibility for bettering our world. Why? Because it is our duty as human beings. We know how it is to feel the effects from previous generations, and it is not fun. So by all persons doing everything they can to improve the state of the planet for future generations, we are able to live better presently and help the future planet. Because it is our duty as human beings. 


  1. Hi Rebecca!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog as you brought GREAT points to the discussion topic and I really like how you connected it with the past generation(like that of the Industrial Revolution). It is a really good point to make that we have experienced the negative effects from generations before us and we don't want to continue this legacy, we should be the ones to help the future because if we don't it will be a constant cycle. I also disagree with the "polluter pays" principle, I think that it is never good to blame one individual or individual company when we all play a role in pollution and environmental concerns no matter how big or small our roles are.


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